Its export-led growth model is unlikely to work as well in future as it has for the past decade. 它的出口拉动型增长模式在未来不太可能像在过去10年里那么有效。
But the popular notion that China is dependent on export-led growth is a myth; 但中国经济依靠出口导向型增长这一流行观点纯属子虚乌有;
Another is over-reliance on export-led growth. 另一个原因是对出口拉动型增长的过度依赖。
Furthermore, export-led growth also looks much less attractive in an era of consumer retrenchment in the rich countries. 况且,在富国减少消费的时代,出口主导型增长的吸引力似乎也大为降低。
Such a large economy cannot rely on export-led growth forever. 这样一个大型经济体不可能永远依赖于出口拉动经济增长。
But they should abandon the world of cheap currencies and export-led growth. 但它们应放弃低值货币和出口拉动的增长模式。
However, if China were to surpass US industrial production because it continued to rely on export-led growth that exacerbated Global trade imbalances, that would be a strongly negative factor. 然而,如果中国工业产出超过了美国,原因却是继续依赖于加剧全球贸易失衡的出口驱动型增长模式,这将是极其负面的因素。
Not long thereafter, some East Asian economies began to zoom ahead based on "narrower" export-led growth. 此后不久,一些东亚经济体开始快速前进,而它们的发展却基于“更狭隘”的出口拉动的增长。
But the popular notion that China is dependent on export-led growth is a myth; domestic demand is much more important. 根据流行的观点,中国是依靠出口带动的经济增长的一个神话,国内需求是更加重要的。
Most of them have based their development on mercantilist export-led growth policies, using protectionism and currency manipulation to generate huge trade surpluses with the US. 它们大多都将国家的发展建立在重商主义的出口导向型增长政策基础上,利用贸易保护主义和汇率操纵创造了对美国的巨大贸易顺差。
Finally, emerging markets must proceed with care; export-led growth has stabilised their finances and built foreign exchange reserves. 最后,新兴市场必须谨慎行事;以出口为导向的经济增长已稳定了其财政,并累积了外汇储备。
Unable to maintain its former export-led growth rates, China is looking to develop its domestic markets and must foster technological innovation. 中国现在已经难于维系从前的出口拉动型经济增长率,它现在正在寻求发展其国内市场,并且必须促进技术创新。
China is addicted to a strategy of export-led growth, which requires that it keep its goods cheap. 中国对出口导向增长的战略很上瘾,这要求它维持其产品的廉价。
However great their political differences, Asian countries have not let these threaten their common pursuit of export-led growth. 不管政治分歧有多大,亚洲国家从未允许它威胁到它们共同追求的出口带动型经济增长。
As for China, the requirement to adapt from export-led growth to a radical expansion of domestic demand could be a huge political challenge. 对中国来说,从出口拉动型增长调整到大幅扩张国内需求的要求,可能构成一个巨大的政治挑战。
He does not think the country can continue to rely on export-led growth for both geopolitical and economic reasons. 他认为,出于地缘政治和经济两方面的原因,中国不能继续依靠出口拉动经济增长。
He must respond that the US can close its fiscal deficit only if it can shift into export-led growth. 他的回答应该是:只有转向出口主导型经济增长,美国才能消灭财政赤字。
China is too big to rely on export-led growth. 中国太大了,不能依赖出口主导型增长模式。
The Asians decided to choose competitive exchange rates, export-led growth and huge accumulations of foreign currency reserves. 而亚洲人则决定选择有竞争力的汇率、出口导向型增长模式和大规模积累外汇储备。
US consumers are no longer going to be the engine for Chinese export-led growth, but nor can Chinese savers continue to finance American borrowing. 美国消费者将不再是中国出口拉动型增长的引擎,而中国储蓄者也不再能够继续为美国的借贷提供资金。
Mr Zhou's paper distracts from the fundamental point that China would not have huge dollar holdings if it had not pursued specific policies namely export-led growth predicated on a competitive renminbi. 周小川的文章转移了人们对根本性问题的关注,即如果中国没有实施特殊的政策建立在有竞争力的人民币基础上的出口导向型增长那么它就不会持有巨额美元资产。
Every success story in the region used a strategy of export-led growth to climb the ladder of affluence. 亚洲地区每一个成功的故事,都运用了出口拉动的增长战略,使自己更为富足。
Their export-led growth model has used the US as the market of first resort. 这些采用出口驱动型增长模式的发展中国家曾一直把美国作为首要出口市场。
Other advanced countries have made such changes, notably Ireland in the 1980s and Denmark, Finland and Sweden in the 1990s. But it will be a huge challenge, unless one can rely on fast export-led growth. 其它发达国家已进行了此类改变,特别是上世纪80年代的爱尔兰,以及90年代的丹麦、芬兰和瑞典。但这将是一个巨大的挑战,除非哪个国家能够依赖出口快速拉动增长。
A sustainable global economy needs other major sources of internal demand, particularly among economies such as China that have historically been focused on export-led growth. 可持续的全球经济需要其它重要的内部需求来源,尤其是来自历来注重出口驱动型增长的中国等经济体。
The Asian countries recovered thanks to export-led growth. 当时的亚洲依靠出口导向的经济恢复了元气。
The move sparked speculation that China was moving away from using the appreciation of the renminbi as a tool to combat inflation towards using a weaker currency to boost export-led growth. 这引发了市场的猜测:即中国正从利用人民币升值作为对抗通胀工具,转向利用人民币走软来推动出口导向型的经济增长。
Even those who are sceptical of this agree that the US needs export-led growth. 即便那些对此表示怀疑的人也认为,美国需要出口驱动型增长。
Iron ore demand has moderated as export-led growth in Asia adjusts to the slowdown in developed economies, but underlying demand is still strong. 随着亚洲国家调整出口拉动型增长模式以适应发达经济体的放缓,铁矿石需求有所放缓,但基本需求仍很强劲。
Export-led growth has served Asia well and can continue to do so. 出口驱动型增长很适合亚洲,以后也能继续如此。